
A Letter to the Girl Struggling With Body Image

Every college student (and most people in general) know or have heard about the "Freshman Fifteen". They say that during your freshman year of college, you will gain fifteen pounds. I've been told so many things about this, ranging from "it's absolutely true" to "it's a myth" to "no matter how hard you try you'll still gain 15 pounds". The concept of the "Freshman Fifteen", whether you believe it's true or not, is an unhealthy thing to have swirling around in your head when you enter college.

Moving to college and having to adjust being on your own makes everything harder - especially body image. Maybe you get worried about the Freshman Fifteen. Maybe you always overeat at the buffet-style dining halls. Maybe you get dessert with your friends and you feel bad about it. Maybe you feel as if you're not active enough and are unhappy with your body. 

I know you. I know you because I am you. 

Of course, growing up, I've had my fair share of body image problems. For the most part, however, I was pretty good at looking at myself in a positive light. After I had to move across the country and be independent, I found that I was struggling (and still do struggle) with body image all over again. 

Looking in the mirror can be difficult, especially when all you can see is what you don't like. For me,  I pick apart things like my fine hair, small chest, stomach, even the barely noticeable pimple on my nose. I try to eat healthy, and when I don't, I feel bad about myself. Even though I'm definitely more active than I was in high school, I sometimes feel like I still haven't done enough exercise. Maybe you feel the same way. 

I've talked to my friends; the ones with me at school, the ones across the country, and all that are in between. And if there is one thing I've learned from them, it's this important thought:

If you struggle with your body image, you're not the only one. 

Oh, believe me. You are not alone. Body image is a journey that everyone - girl or boy, young or old, confident or otherwise - goes on, and like any journey, it's going to have its ups and downs. Knowing that you're not the only person who is having these issues hopefully brings some comfort to you, as it does me - good friends are there to chat and relate with you on days where you're not feeling super confident. 

A very important tip I've learned when trying to confront my problems with body image is that one of the best things one can do is to stop over analyzing what you do/eat/wear. It's easier said than done, but something that you can definitely practice.

Learning to fully love and accept yourself is something hard to do - but it isn't impossible. Know you're not alone, learn to care for your body the right way, and don't be afraid to treat yourself every once and a while. You deserve it.

Lots of love,

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