
Why Politics Are Important (Yes, Even As A Teenager)

Politics are messy, confusing, and a lot to keep up with. As young adults, it is too easy to fall into the mindset that what we say doesn't matter, that our participation in political issues won't do anything, etc., etc. But that is the exact opposite. Now, more than ever, it is important for young adults to take action.

"Okay," you say. "But how?" The extent to which you can participate in politics depends on your exact age, but no matter how old you are, here are some crucial things you can do to make your voice heard. 

Stay informed. 

Yes, I understand - there is so much going on in politics and with the White House that it's hard to keep up with. Even after taking AP Government and Politics (shoutout to Mr. Hayman!), I still find it confusing to keep up with everything that's happening. But the more you read, the less confusing this mess will be. Find a reputable news source (read: not just what your Aunt Phyllis posts on Facebook or Twitter) and keep up with it. Being informed is the first step to making your voice heard - you can't make well-informed decisions without first being well-informed. Your knowledge is your power.

Be active.

Marches are a great way to be active in politics, especially if you're not old enough to vote. It's easy to think that marches or protests aren't actually going to achieve anything, but getting your voice and opinions heard is so important and a huge step to making change. And the more people there are, the more voices there are -- and more volume equals more attention to the volume.

So, find a march, demonstration, or peaceful protest for something that you believe in, and actually go to one! Maybe it seems like a lot of work, or it will be too crowded, but I promise - it's all worth it. Not only does it get your voice out there, but the feeling of being surrounded by people who feel just as passionately about change as you do is inspiring.


Seriously. Vote! Registering to vote is super easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Click here to get started (don't wait until you're over 18, like I did. Register as soon as possible!). Additionally, don't vote in just the "big" election; every election, from the local to the national one, is important. You can have a say in who you want to make decisions, and that's pretty cool.

By the way - your vote does matter. If everyone didn't vote because they didn't think it would matter, there would be trouble. Your vote will always matter, so it's important to vote as much as you can.


The bottom line is that this generation is way more powerful than we think it is. A lot of people my age don't really care about politics, or think that being well-educated on politics isn't "cool". I happen to disagree. I've been inspired by the people my age (and even younger than me!) who have really taken action for causes that they are passionate about. And making that sort of change is cool.

Lots of love,

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